Articles tagged '28 days of elixir'
Didn't quite make all 28 days
Discover how my_map[:a] is evaluated
Very basic practical example of using pg2 for keeping distributed processes in sync
Go over how I use Mockery to implement mocking in my unit tests
Look at how Elixir Enum/Enumerable is built
Recap of a recent talk at Atlanta Elixir Meetup
Demonstrates a technique to add debouncing to Phoenix websockets
Look at how the HTTP request for Phoenix websockets is handled
Dive into how Phoenix websockets work
Reflection on my learning process and things that I would do differently.
Demonstrate creating a chokepoint across a cluster of nodes
A simple macro use case broken down
Look into how the Peerage library works
Overview of the basics of Elixir node networking
Explore options for sourcing private libraries, and potential tradeoffs.
Learning Elixir brings with it challenges of a new language, but what of the new paradigm?
A few mistakes are highlighted that end up slowing me down every time they pop up
Going over my editor, versioning, etc.